Photo Credits – Helen Akay
Recently my client and good friend Ed phoned me to tell me.
Off the back of his successful professional physique photo shoots and regaining his modelling career at 37 that we worked on last year.
He said “Matt, I’m going to do a photo shoot every month in 2021 where Helen will hold me accountable to ensure I stay in great shape.”
I said “Thats a great goal and will be so good for you, go an smash it my friend.”
Towards the end of last year Ed had set up a body transformation challenge for a great cause close to his heart and we got together to design a bespoke physique plan that would support him with his training, nutrition, health, lifestyle and physique to deliver a professional physique photo shoot at the end of the challenge.
Ed worked to the nail day in day out and like a dog on the weights to carve out this.
He would speak with me daily and we would chip away together.
He stuck to the program we had devised together day in day out.
Recently we had appeared in the Sidmouth press for the work we had done together and Ed words to me before that appearance was..
“You have changed my life.”
Those powerful words where humbling, I’m very grateful for and the true meaning of this model and the personal passion that runs through my blood to help people like Ed bring the truly possible to life.
Your incredible effort, hard work and work ethic has created this Ed, I’m grateful to have had the tools in my toolbox at the time to share with you to articulate your true potential and what was truly possible for you.
Keep going from strength to strength my friend.
You deserve the best.

Photo Credits – Helen Akay