Photo Credit – Anne Moore
Reliving his 20s and bringing prime shape in his late 30s in his professional physique photo shoot at Dartington Hall on Monday.
It’s a special testimony to see the well deserved results this guy has created over recent months.
Whilst working together supporting, guiding and assisting Ed to get photo shoot physique ready through these times and seeing the lengths Ed has been prepared to go to through physique preparation in training speaks volumes.
The hard days on the diet, the tough training sessions, the cold mornings, dark nights, continuous adjustments made to nutrition and training all in all Ed stuck to the letter like glue through to the minute and delivered a fantastic result to relive his early 20s in the later years of his 30s. An objective we set when we set out.
Now knowing its not only reignited a great passion for weight training for himself yet in his own words ”changed my life” and reengaged a passion for photoshoots, I can only say is a testament to every effort, dedication & commitment this guy has made throughout.
They say…
”For every disciplined effort there are multiple rewards.”
It’s shined through from start to finish my friend.
Well done.